Dr Kranthi R Vardhan - Weekly Newsletter - Issue#84

Transform Your Sundays with Ayurveda - A Weekly Guide to Rejuvenation

Hello health enthusiasts,

Happy Sunday!

As we embrace another beautiful day, I'm here with your weekly dose of Ayurvedic wisdom, tailored to help you find balance and wellness in your life.

Today, let's explore a theme that's close to my heart - using our Sundays for rejuvenation and self-care, the Ayurvedic way.

Why Sunday? Why Rejuvenation?

In Ayurveda, balance is key.

Just as we balance our doshas, it's crucial to balance our lives with periods of activity & rest.

Sundays offer a perfect opportunity to reset and prepare our mind, body, and soul for the week ahead.

6 Ayurvedic Sunday Routines:

1. Morning Rituals:

Begin with a gentle wake-up. Sip on warm water with a squeeze of lemon to awaken your digestive fire.

Spend a few moments in silence, meditating or practicing Pranayama (breathing exercises) to clear your mind.

2. Digital Detox:

Ayurveda emphasizes the importance of being in tune with nature.

Try a digital detox for a few hours.

This reduces Vata imbalance caused by excessive screen time, promoting mental clarity and calmness.

3. Connect with Nature:

Spend time outdoors.

Whether it's a walk in the park or tending to your garden, connecting with nature balances the doshas and rejuvenates the soul.

4. Nourish Your Body:

Prepare a simple, wholesome Ayurvedic meal.

Focus on seasonal, sattvic foods that are easy to digest.

Think mung dal, steamed vegetables, and warm, spiced (not spicy) foods that nourish and comfort.

5. Self-Massage (Abhyanga):

Indulge in a self-massage with warm oil (sesame for Vata, coconut for Pitta, and mustard for Kapha).

This not only nourishes the skin but also calms the nervous system and improves circulation.

6. Evening Wind-Down:

As the day closes, brew a cup of calming herbal tea like chamomile or Tulsi.

Reflect on the day, journal your thoughts, or read something uplifting.

This practice settles the mind and prepares you for a restful sleep.

DIY Sunday Tip:

Create your own Ayurvedic face mask for a soothing end to your day.

Mix a tablespoon of chickpea flour with a pinch of turmeric and curd to form a paste.

Apply to your face for 10-15 minutes, then rinse with warm water.

This simple mask is great for all skin types and brings a radiant glow.

Your Takeaway – Wrapping it up:

This Sunday, and every Sunday to come, give yourself the gift of time and self-care.

Remember, in Ayurveda, the journey to wellness is as much about nurturing the soul as it is about healing the body.

I encourage you to share your experiences with this Sunday routine. How did it make you feel? What changes did you notice in your body and mind? Your insights are valuable, not just to me, but to our entire community of wellness enthusiasts.

Next Week's Sneak Peek

Stay tuned for next Sunday's newsletter, where I'll delve into the Ayurvedic approach to managing back pain - a topic many of you have shown interest in.

Wishing you a serene and rejuvenating Sunday. 

Embrace the calm and embrace the balance.

With warmth and wellness,

I hope you enjoyed reading this issue. If you found it useful, feel free to forward it to your friends, family, colleagues, or anyone you feel might benefit from it. If you want to read the previous issues, here’s the archive.

Have a great weekend!

- Dr. Kranthi R Vardhan


P.S.: Your feedback and questions are always welcome. Feel free to reply to this email or reach out on our social platforms. Let's make this journey in Ayurvedic wellness together!