Dr Kranthi R Vardhan - Weekly Newsletter - Issue#83

Ayurvedic Wisdom for Radiant Hair: 10 Tips & Tricks to grow hair

Hello health enthusiasts,

Welcome back to our weekly journey into the world of Ayurveda!

This edition is dedicated to a topic close to everyone's heart - hair care.

Let's delve into the ancient science of Ayurveda to discover scientifically proven tips and tricks for naturally beautiful and healthy hair.


Hair, often referred to as our "crowning glory," deserves the utmost care. Ayurveda, the time-tested holistic system, offers profound insights into maintaining luscious locks by balancing the body, mind, and spirit.

What Ayurveda Says:

In Ayurveda, hair health is linked to overall well-being.

According to Ayurvedic principles, an imbalance in doshas (Vata, Pitta, Kapha) can manifest as various hair issues.

Therefore, our approach is not just external; it's about harmonizing the internal energies.

10 Tips and Tricks:

1. Oil Massage (Abhyanga):

   - Begin your hair care routine with a warm oil massage. Scientifically proven to enhance blood circulation, this nourishing practice promotes healthy hair growth.

2. Herbal Shampoos:

   - Embrace Ayurvedic shampoos enriched with Amla, Shikakai, and Neem. Studies highlight their antimicrobial properties for a gentle yet effective cleanse.

3. Balanced Diet:

   - Fuel your hair with a nutrient-rich diet. Vitamins A, C, E, and essential minerals (iron, zinc) play a crucial role in maintaining overall hair health.

4. Amla Magic:

   - Incorporate Amla into your routine. Packed with Vitamin C and antioxidants, it strengthens hair, reduces fall, and stimulates growth.

5. Scalp Detox (Dhara):

   - Treat your scalp to detoxifying masks containing Triphala or Brahmi. These Ayurvedic remedies cleanse impurities and nourish the scalp.

6. Stay Hydrated:

   - Hydration is key. Ensure you're drinking enough water to maintain scalp and hair moisture.

7. Bhringraj Bliss:

   - Experience the revitalizing benefits of Bhringraj through oils or powders. This Ayurvedic gem promotes hair health from root to tip.

8. Gentle Hair Drying:

   - Pat, don't rub. Opt for a soft towel to avoid hair damage during drying.

9. Avoid Chemical Treatments:

   - Say no to excessive chemical treatments and heat styling. Protect your hair from unnecessary damage.

10. Lifestyle Practices:

    - Manage stress through yoga and meditation. A calm mind contributes to healthy hair.

Wrapping It Up:

Your hair reflects the care you invest in it.

Ayurveda, with its holistic principles, offers a pathway to vibrant and resilient tresses.

Remember, it's not just about looking good; it's about feeling good from within.

Embark on this Ayurvedic journey for radiant hair! Share your experiences, questions, and Ayurvedic tips with us. Stay tuned for more wellness insights.

Wishing you abundance in health and hair,

I hope you enjoyed reading this issue. If you found it useful, feel free to forward it to your friends, family, colleagues, or anyone you feel might benefit from it. If you want to read the previous issues, here’s the archive.

Have a great weekend!

- Dr. Kranthi R Vardhan