Dr Kranthi R Vardhan - Weekly Newsletter - Issue#82

Enhance Your Vision with Ayurveda - Discover Daily Eye Care Practices

Hello Health Enthusiasts,,

I hope this message finds you in good health and high spirits.

Today, I'm excited to share some valuable insights into an often-overlooked aspect of our well-being: eye health.

In Ayurveda, the ancient science of life and wellness, eyes are not just organs of vision but the windows to our soul and health.

The Ayurvedic Perspective on Eye Health

In Ayurveda, eyes are governed by the Alochaka Pitta, one of the subtypes of Pitta Dosha, responsible for our ability to perceive light and colors.

Maintaining the balance of Alochaka Pitta is crucial for optimal eye health and clear vision.

Daily Eye Care Practices (Dinacharya)

1. Triphala Eye Wash:

Start your day with a gentle eye wash using Triphala water.

Soak Triphala powder in water overnight, strain it in the morning, and use this water to cleanse your eyes.

This not only refreshes the eyes but also helps in reducing strain and improving vision.

2. Palming:

Rub your palms together until they feel warm and then gently cup them over your closed eyes.

The warmth and darkness help soothe the eyes and calm the mind.

3. Blinking Exercises:

Periodically perform blinking exercises.

Rapidly blink your eyes 10 times, then close them for 20 seconds.

This exercise helps in reducing eye strain, especially for those who spend long hours in front of screens.

4. Ghee Application:

Applying a small amount of pure cow ghee on the soles of your feet at bedtime can have a surprisingly beneficial effect on your eyes.

It helps to cool down the body and balance Pitta, which in turn supports eye health.

5. Diet for Eye Health:

Incorporate foods rich in Vitamin A and antioxidants like carrots, spinach, and almonds into your diet.

Ayurveda also recommends Amla (Indian gooseberry) for its rejuvenating properties for eye health.

6. Yoga for Eyes:

Simple yoga practices like Trataka (gaze fixation) can significantly improve focus and eye health.

This involves staring at a small object or flame without blinking to strengthen the eye muscles.

Wrapping it up:

Incorporating these simple yet effective Ayurvedic practices into your daily routine can significantly benefit your eye health.

As always, it's important to listen to your body and consult with an Ayurvedic practitioner for personalized advice.

I hope these tips help you see the world with more clarity and brightness.

Stay tuned for more insights into Ayurveda and holistic wellness in our upcoming newsletters.

I hope you enjoyed reading this issue. If you found it useful, feel free to forward it to your friends, family, colleagues, or anyone you feel might benefit from it. If you want to read the previous issues, here’s the archive.

Warm regards,

Dr Kranthi R Vardhan