Dr Kranthi R Vardhan - Weekly Newsletter - Issue#63

Love Curd? You should not consume it! 4 Rules of Eating Curd the Ayurveda way!!

Do you love Curd & Are you a regular yoghurt taker?

Then this Newsletter is for you! Curd should be avoided by each one of us!

Let’s delve deep into the Concept of Curd Consumption & Ayurveda answers to consider while eating.

Curd is -

🔺Staple food in Indian households

🔺Popular fermented milk product

🔺Important part of every meal

🔺Liked by every age group


🔹Sour in taste

🔹Fermented Food

🔹Rich in Lactic Acid

🔹Creamy & is Delicious

Have many a Questions about Curd?

🔸Is Curd really good?

🔸Is Curd healthy to eat?

🔸Can Curd be taken in night?

🔸Can Curd be consumed by all?

Basics of Curd Consumption:

▪️ Curd should not be consumed every day

▪️ Curd should be taken in moderation

▪️ Curd takes a more time to digest

▪️ Curd is heavy in nature

#4 Rules of Consuming Curd ~

According to Ayurveda, there are 4 rules you should consider while eating curd.

🟢 Rule#1

One should not consume Curd at night.

Kapha dosha is at the highest period in the night.

When Kapha dosha is increased it increase excess mucus formation

Increased mucus will lead and cause Indigestion.

Hence It is not advisable to eat curd in the nights.

🟢 Rule#2

One should not heat the Curd.

On heating the molecular structure of curd is altered

This process could seriously affect your health

It can cause lesions, suffocation and swelling

Hence advised not to eat the heated curds.


🟢 Rule#3

One should not consume Curd every day.

Curd is heavy in nature & increases inflammation in the body

In inflammation, the Kapha and Pitta dosha also increase

Pitta dosha can cause 40 Pitta (Digestive) diseases

Hence It is not advisable not to eat curd daily.

🟢 Rule#4

One should not consume Curd if you have bleeding disorders.

Curd is hot in nature & potency and

It can increase the Pitta dosha of a person.

It is not good for people with heavy period flow or nasal bleeding

Hence it is considered best to avoid the consumption of curd in all your meals.

Wrapping it up:

Curd has to be avoided according to Ayurveda even in healthy person.

A diseased person or ill person should not consume curd at all.

It should not be consumed in the night at all &

Only healthy persons are entitled to use Curd in the afternoon.

BeWare! Be Aware! Be Cautious! Be Careful!

Wishing you abundant health, healing and vitality,

Thanks for reading!

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Have a great weekend!

- Dr. Kranthi R Vardhan