Dr Kranthi R Vardhan - Weekly Newsletter - Issue#103

Embrace Varsha Ritu with Ayurvedic Wisdom

As the monsoon clouds gather and the rains begin to fall, nature enters a phase of renewal and transformation. 

But are you aware that this season also calls for a specific approach to your health and wellness?

Welcome to our 103rd issue of Ayurvedic Wellness, where we delve into the ancient wisdom of Ayurveda to guide you through Varsha Ritu, the monsoon season. 

This time of year is characterized by increased moisture and coolness, making it essential to adapt your lifestyle and diet to maintain balance and prevent ailments. 

Let’s explore the Ayurvedic guidelines for staying healthy during this vibrant season (Varsha Rutu):

Dietary Guidelines:

1. Light, Warm, and Digestible Foods:

   During Varsha Ritu, opt for light and easily digestible foods. Steamed vegetables, soups, and warm grains like barley and wheat are ideal. Avoid fried foods and those that are cold or refrigerated, as they can aggravate the digestive system.

2. Seasonal and Nourishing Choices:

   Incorporate seasonal vegetables and fruits into your diet. Warm beverages, such as herbal teas, are beneficial, while heavy and hard-to-digest foods like meat should be minimized.

3. Hydration:

   Stay hydrated with plenty of warm water. Boiling the water and then cooling it slightly before drinking can aid digestion and keep your body in balance. Adding a teaspoon of honey can enhance its benefits.

Lifestyle Adjustments:

1. Exercise and Physical Activity:

   Engage in mild stretching exercises to keep your body flexible and energized. Avoid strenuous activities and limit sexual activity to maintain energy levels and avoid Vata aggravation.

2. Appropriate Clothing:

   Wear light and white-colored clothes to keep cool and avoid excessive sweating. Applying medicated pastes like sandalwood and saffron can protect your skin from infections and maintain a soothing aroma.

3. Environmental Cautions:

   Avoid exposure to rain, cold winds, and damp environments as they can disturb your Vata dosha. Always wear footwear when going out to protect yourself from infections and slips.

Embrace Simplicity and Detoxification:

1. Simple Living:

   Simplify your lifestyle by reducing mental and physical stress. Take time to enjoy the moon rays during the first three hours of the night, which can have a calming effect on your mind and body.

2. Panchakarma Therapies:

   Undergo Panchakarma therapies, particularly Vasti (medicated enema), to eliminate vitiated doshas from your body. This detoxification process is crucial during Varsha Ritu to maintain health and prevent diseases.


- Prioritize light, warm, and easily digestible foods.

- Stay hydrated with warm water and avoid cold beverages.

- Engage in gentle physical activities and adopt a simple lifestyle.

- Protect yourself from the elements and maintain proper hygiene.

- Consider Panchakarma therapies to cleanse your body of accumulated toxins.

This Varsha Ritu, let Ayurvedic wisdom be your guide to health and harmony. 

Take Action:

Embrace these guidelines and feel the difference in your overall well-being. 

Stay connected with us for more Ayurvedic tips and personalized advice. 

Share your experiences and let us know how you are incorporating these practices into your daily routine.

Stay healthy and vibrant this monsoon season!

With wellness wishes,  

Dr. Kranthi R Vardhan  

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P.S: For personalized Ayurvedic consultations, visit our website or contact us at 7997 108 108.